The Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering focuses on broad range of Aerospace Engineering related issues with emphasis on design, and manufacturing of air flight capable machines, or the techniques of operating aircraft and rocketry within the atmosphere. Journal is devoted to publishing new developments and results in all areas of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering. The Journal provides an excellent platform for timely reporting on recent archival research and development of aerospace sciences to the Scientific community.
Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering employs peer-review process. The peer review process enhances the performance and is used to maintain the standards of quality. The eminent Editorial Board of Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering strive to disseminate the quality work to the scientific community through peer review processing. The Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering is one of the best Peer reviewed Journals from Longdom Publishing.
Longdom Publishing is one of the leading online Open Access publishers. Open Access Publishing is practiced by many peer reviewed Scholarly journals. It is a barrier free access provided to the end user. Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering is serving the scintific community by disseminating quality articles processed through peer review process. Being an Open Access Journal our Journal allows the Scientific community unrestricted use of the knowledge.
Aerospace engineering is the primary field of engineering concerned with the development of aircraft and spacecraft. It is divided into two major and overlapping branches: aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering.
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